Monkhouse Law Fees

Contingency and Hourly

At Monkhouse Law we work on both contingency, and hourly.

With contingency, you pay a percentage of how much we get for you in a settlement or judgment. With hourly you agree to pay us for each hour we work for you, no matter the outcome, which is billed usually quarterly.

The decision to offer hourly and/or contingency options is determined by the lawyer or paralegal taking on your case at Monkhouse Law.

Regarding contingency fee matters if we choose to take a matter on contingency, generally, the maximum fee is 30% of the improvement we managed to get for you plus the case review fee, disbursements and taxes. If there are counterclaims or appeals the fee can increase to 40% of the improvement. The improvement refers to the amount by which your initial termination offer is increased.

Contract Reviews

Monkhouse Law offers contract reviews for employees who are considering signing a new contract or who wish to obtain legal advice concerning their current contracts. Contract reviews are conducted by lawyers. The fee for contract reviews is $500 plus HST.


30 Minute Free Consultations

Monkhouse Law offers free 30-minute consultations with either paralegals or lawyers. Following the free consultation, generally there is a paid case review or intake meeting where a lawyer will review the matter and applicable documents in order to have a retainer signed. The fee for the case review is $400 plus HST. Contingency retainers are $400 plus HST up front plus up to 30% of the improvement.


Contact info

Main Telephone: 416-907-9249

Main Fax: 888-501-7235 (Toll-Free)

Main Email: 

Follow: @andrewmonkhouse

Mailing Address:

220 Bay St. Suite 900

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

M5J 2W4

    Free Consultation

    Terminated employees can call us for a free 30-minute phone consultation with a licensed legal professional at 416-907-9249 or submit a callback request.
